Technical Assistance Resource Library

All Chicago provides technical assistance to agencies within the Chicago Continuum of Care (CoC) to aid learning and help resolve identified needs or issues. The following resources have been developed or accumulated by All Chicago and they relate to broadly applying best practices, policies, standards, and regulations. All Chicago will continue to post new resources here.  

Disclaimer: All Chicago makes every effort to assess the quality of resources included in this library and to keep the information in this library up to date. However, please be aware that we cannot always guarantee the completeness or accuracy of these materials.  

The HUD Virtual Binders provide additional guidance on frequently needed information or asked questions.  

If you have any questions, please contact the CoC Programs Team at  

You will find instructions on using the Technical Assistance Resource Library here.

Participant Eligibility Documentation Requirements by Funding Source 10.2024This guide lists the documentation required to enroll participants in homeless housing and services, broken …, homeless-documentation recordkeeping intake-assessmentsdocumentation-guidance
Homeless Documentation from an Auditing Perspective FAQThis FAQ clarifies why proper homelessness documentation is important from an auditing perspective., , chronic-homelessness-documentation homeless-documentation recordkeeping intake-assessments
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure FAQThis FAQ addresses important questions related to landlord-provided lead-based paint disclosures and federal regulations., , lead-based-paint leases leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardsdocumentation-guidance
Methods and Emerging Strategies to Engage People with Lived ExperienceThis brief identifies lessons learned and key considerations for engaging individuals with lived experience to …people-with-lived-experience-involvement
Agency Project Expansion Training Course ListsThis is a list of recommended training courses for agencies interested in applying for or …coc-start-upresource-list
Sample Policy: Confidentiality, Safety, and Participant RightsThis is a sample policy that focuses on safety, confidentiality, and participant rights policies and …fair-housing-and-equal-accesssample-policy
Sample Policy: Non-discriminationThis is a sample policy that focuses on non-discrimination policies and procedures as they relate …fair-housing-and-equal-accesssample-policy
Sample Policy: EligibilityThis is a sample policy that focuses on eligibility policies and procedures as they relate …fair-housing-and-equal-accesssample-policy
2024 HUD Fair Market Rent Lookup GuideThis guide provides instruction on how to look up the appropriate Fair Market Rent for …rent-reasonableness-and-fair-market-rent-fmr leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standards
Tenant Guidance – Rent Repayment PlansHUD resource on tenant repayment plans. Document includes guidance, a sample letter for tenants to …eviction-prevention case-management-and-best-practices
Termination of Assistance for CoC Program ParticipantsDocument provides CoC Program Interim Rule regulations regarding termination of assistance. Document also includes a …, discharge-and-grievance-policiesresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs sample-tool
Time Management for Case ManagersBrief slide deck with tips for time management created for case managers with links to …staff-training case-management-and-best-practices
Tips on Documenting Homeless Status or Length of Time Homeless for CoC Participant FilesDocument provides tips on what should be present in verification of homelessness documentation., homeless-documentation recordkeeping intake-assessmentsdocumentation-guidance
Tools for Landlords with Tenants Impacted by Financial CrisisHUD resource for landlords on engaging tenants to avoid evictions. The resource also has helpful …eviction-prevention case-management-and-best-practices
Transitional Housing for More than 24 MonthsThis resource references the regulatory guidelines from the CoC Interim Rule that explain the circumstances …, discharge-and-grievance-policies transitional-housing-th project-typeresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Sample Policy – Reasonable Accommodation FormsSample policy and procedure for reasonable accommodation, including requestion and verification forms and reasonable accommodation …, , disability fair-housing-and-equal-access intake-assessmentssample-policy sample-tool
Sample Reasonable Accommodation Request Notices and FormsThis resource contains sample notices and accompanying sample forms that could be made available to …, , disability fair-housing-and-equal-access intake-assessmentssample-policy sample-tool
Sample Referral FormSample referral form to refer clients to a broad range of services such as housing, …referrals case-management-and-best-practicessample-tool
Sample Termination LetterSample termination letter to give to program participantsdischarge-and-grievance-policiessample-tool
Staff Training Policy GuidanceResource gives suggested elements to consider including in a staff training policy.staff-training case-management-and-best-practicessample-policy
Subleases and Occupancy AgreementsThis resource is intended for CoC-Funded Programs with a leasing budget line item. It provides …, leases leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs sample-tool
Supportive Housing Scattered-Site LeasingThis resource provides information on the Supportive Housing Scattered-Site Leasing model, permanent-supportive-housing-psh scattered-site project-type
Template Notice of Occupancy Rights Under VAWATemplate notice of occupancy rights under the Violence Against Women Act.gender-based-violence-gbv project-type
Safety Planning for Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence: A Toolkit for Homeless ProgramsThis toolkit gives service providers resources and information that can help offer housing services that …, gender-based-violence-gbv trauma-informed-care project-type case-management-and-best-practices
Sample Apartment LeaseAn example of what an apartment lease looks like and its various componentsleases leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardssample-tool
Sample Illinois Agreement to SubleaseThis resource provides an example of what a sublease in Illinois looks like, leases permanent-supportive-housing-psh leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standards project-typesample-tool
Sample Lease Policy and Procedures (Leasing Funding – All Model Types)This example policy and procedures resource provide information on leasing funding policies for all model …, leases leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs sample-policy
Sample Lease Policy and Procedures (Rental Assistance Funding – PSH and TH)This example policy and procedures resource provide information on rental assistance funding policies for PSH …, , leases permanent-supportive-housing-psh leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standards project-typeresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs sample-policy
Sample Lease Policy and Procedures (Rental Assistance Funding – RRH)This example policy and procedures resource provide information on rental assistance funding policies for RRH …, , leases rapid-re-housing-rrh leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standards project-typeresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs sample-policy
Sample Lease Policy on Drug and Alcohol UseA sample addendum to the lease agreement with an example of a policy on drug …, leases substance-use leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standards case-management-and-best-practicessample-policy
Sample Participant Satisfaction Survey 2Sample satisfaction survey for agencies to provide to clients to get their feedback on how …people-with-lived-experience-involvementsample-tool
Sample Policy – Appeal Process for Housing DenialThis sample policy comes from CSH’s Quality Supportive Housing resources. It may be used as …, discharge-and-grievance-policiesresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs sample-policy
Program FeesUse this resource to understand what kinds of charges a CoC-funded project is not allowed …financialsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Property Standards – Environmental Reviews and HQS InspectionsThis resource provides an overview of environmental review, background on housing quality standards (HQS) requirements …, environmental-review housing-quality-standards-hqs leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standards
Rapid Rehousing Program Model ResourcesDocument provides links to HUD resources for the Rapid Rehousing Program Brief and toolkit.rapid-re-housing-rrh project-typeresource-list
Reasonable Accommodations in Tenant Selection ProcessesThis resource provides guidelines for the tenant selection process and information on reasonable accommodation in …, disability fair-housing-and-equal-access intake-assessments
Rent Calculation – What to Include and What to Exclude from IncomeRent calculation chart showing what to include and what to exclude from annual incomerent-and-income-calculation-and-verification intake-assessmentssample-tool
Rent Calculation for Rental AssistanceResource on rent calulation for rental assistance, including regulations from the CoC Program Interim Rulerent-and-income-calculation-and-verification intake-assessmentsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Rent Payment Checklist for Rental Assistance BLIRent Payment checklist for CoC Projects with rental assistance budget line items (BLI) for, rent-and-income-calculation-and-verification intake-assessmentsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs sample-tool
Rent Reasonableness – Comp Unit Landlord Follow-UpA chart to be used to track landlord follow-ups for determining rent reasonablenessrent-reasonableness-and-fair-market-rent-fmr leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardssample-tool
Rent Reasonableness and Fair Market Rent – CoC ProgramThis resource explains the concepts of rent reasonableness and Fair Market Rent (FMR) and how …rent-reasonableness-and-fair-market-rent-fmr leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Rent Reasonableness Checklist and CertificationChecklist and certification template for rent reasonablenessrent-reasonableness-and-fair-market-rent-fmr leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardssample-tool
Occupancy Charge Checklist for Leasing BLIChecklist for CoC Projects with leasing budget line items (BLI) for occupancy charges, income calculations, …, rent-and-income-calculation-and-verification intake-assessmentsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs sample-tool
Overview of DedicatedPLUS Eligibility and Recordkeeping RequirementsOverview of DedicatedPLUS eligibility and recordkeeping requirements with sample eligibility documentation checklist, , chronic-homelessness-documentation permanent-supportive-housing-psh intake-assessments project-typedocumentation-guidance resources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Participant Rent Payment for CoC Rental Assistance ProjectsThis resource discusses whether agencies should collect the participant portion of rent directly or if …rent-and-income-calculation-and-verification intake-assessmentsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Limited English Proficiency RequirementsRecipients of federal financial assistance must provide meaningful access to programs for persons with Limited …limited-english-proficiency
List of Policies and Procedures for CoC ProgramsList of policies and procedures that HUD CoC-funded projects should establish to ensure compliance with …, recordkeepingdocumentation-guidance resources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Locating HUD CoC Guidance and MaterialsDocument provides a resource table with links to HUD CoC resources and the type of …, , coc-start-up staff-training case-management-and-best-practicesresource-list resources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Mainstream Resources ChecklistResources checklist for homeless providers to use with clients to encourage participation in mainstream programs …assessments intake-assessmentssample-tool
Motivational Interviewing Techniques and SkillsThis resource provides motivational interviewing techniques and skills for health and mental health coaching/counselingmotivational-interviewing case-management-and-best-practices
Notice on Equal Access for HUD’s Community Planning and Development ProgramEqual access rights regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital statusfair-housing-and-equal-access
HUD CoC Funding Eligible CostsThis spreadsheet provides a breakdown of the eligible costs that may be charged to a …, , financials grantsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs sample-tool
HUD Field Office APR TrainingThese training slides explain the parts of an Annual Performance Review (APR) for CoC-funded Projects. …, annual-performance-report-apr grants data-and-performanceresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
HUD Occupancy Handbook – Determining Income and Calculating RentChapter 5 of the HUD Occupancy Handbook on determing income and calculating rentrent-and-income-calculation-and-verification intake-assessments
Imminent Risk of Homelessness Self-Certification FormDocument intends to cover HUD Homeless Category 2 self-certification of imminent risk. Document can be …, homeless-documentation intake-assessmentsdocumentation-guidance sample-tool
Increase in Income Metrics – Guidance and ResourcesGuidance on increase in income metrics, what is entered into HMIS, how metrics are calculated, …, data-standards system-goals-metrics data-and-performance
Individual Service Plan TemplateThis is a sample Individual Service Plan template with an included referral checklistindividual-service-plan-isp case-management-and-best-practicessample-tool
Lead Safe Housing Requirements Screening WorksheetScreening worksheet for lead safe housing requirements for any residential property that is assisted with …lead-based-paint leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardssample-tool
Leasing and Rental Assistance – Focus on LeasingThis resource provides information on leasing and rental assistance under the CoC programleases leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Leasing Checklist – Basic Requirements & Best PracticesThis checklist should be used prior to lease signing to perform a lease review with …leases leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardssample-tool
Grant Tracking Template Example 4This is an example of a template to use for tracking grant contracts, grantsdocumentation-guidance sample-tool
Guidance on Income Verification RequirementsThis resource provides information from the HUD Occupancy Handbook on determining income and calculating rent …rent-and-income-calculation-and-verification intake-assessmentsdocumentation-guidance
Guidance on Unit Size Change Requests: Disability and Reasonable AccommodationsDocument provides guidance on unit size changes related to disabilities or medical necessity. Resources on …, disability fair-housing-and-equal-access intake-assessments
Homeless Eligibility at Intake: Can a Participant be Staying with Family at Intake?Document provides rules outlined in the HEARTH Homeless Definition Final Rule regarding program eligibility. The …, definition-of-homelessness homeless-documentation intake-assessments
Housing First GuidanceThis resource provides guidance on housing first and how to conduct an analysis of housing …housing-first case-management-and-best-practices
Housing First Resource ListDocument provides a resource table with links to housing first resources and the type of …housing-first case-management-and-best-practicesresource-list
Housing First Standards Assessment ToolThis is a tool created by HUD to assess and document how well housing and …housing-first case-management-and-best-practicessample-tool
HUD CoC Chronic Homeless Definition HistoryDocument provides background on the HUD Chronic Homeless Definition Final Rule and previous definitions. Helpful …, , chronic-homelessness-documentation definition-of-homelessness permanent-supportive-housing-psh intake-assessments project-typeresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Fair Housing BookletBooklet about the Fair Housing Act, how to file a complaint, and common FAQs about …fair-housing-and-equal-access
Flowchart of HUD’s Definition of Chronic HomelessnessFlowchart of HUD’s definition of chronic homelessness and documentation standards for chronic homelessness, , , chronic-homelessness-documentation homeless-documentation permanent-supportive-housing-psh intake-assessments project-typedocumentation-guidance frequently-used-documents
Grant Tracking Template Example 1This is an example of a template to use for tracking grant contracts, grantsdocumentation-guidance sample-tool
Grant Tracking Template Example 2This is an example of a template to use for tracking grant contracts, grantsdocumentation-guidance sample-tool
Grant Tracking Template Example 3This is an example of a template to use for tracking grant contracts, grantsdocumentation-guidance sample-tool
Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program Components Reference GuideQuick reference for the five program components ESG funds can be used for, including a …grantsresources-specific-to-esg-funded-programs
Environmental Review for CoC HUD Training SlidesThese are the training slides from a HUD training on Environmental Review. To view the …environmental-review
Environmental Review GuidanceThis resource provides guidance on determining which level of environmental review is required for your …environmental-review
ESG Lead Screening WorksheetThis worksheet guides ESG grantees through the lead-based paint inspection process to ensure compliance with …lead-based-paint leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardsresources-specific-to-esg-funded-programs
ESG RRH Participant File Checklist with Due DatesThis participant file checklist includes the documents that should be included in participant files for …, , , homeless-documentation recordkeeping intake-assessmentsdocumentation-guidance resources-specific-to-esg-funded-programs sample-tool
ESG RRH Program – Sample Participant FileThis sample/mock file for a fictitious RRH program participants contains all documents that should be …, , , homeless-documentation recordkeeping intake-assessmentsdocumentation-guidance resources-specific-to-esg-funded-programs sample-tool
Establishing Local Documentation Standards for DedicatedPLUSOverview of DedicatedPLUS local documentation standards and a recommended process for documenting housing and homelessness …, , chronic-homelessness-documentation permanent-supportive-housing-psh intake-assessments project-typedocumentation-guidance resources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Exit to Permanent Housing Metric ResourceDocument provides information on how exit information is captured, what constitutes a permanent exit, and …, , data-standards discharge-and-grievance-policies system-goals-metrics data-and-performance
CoC Program Environmental Review Part 50 Flow ChartThis flowchart will help CoC Programs identify how to complete environmental compliance based on activities …environmental-review
CoC Program Lead Screening WorksheetThis worksheet guides CoC subrecipients through the lead-based paint inspection process to ensure compliance with …, lead-based-paint leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs sample-tool
CoC Training Resource LinksThis resource list provides a wide range of links to helpful resources on various components …coc-start-upresource-list
Conflicts of Interest GuidanceGuidance on handling conflicts of interestconflict-of-interest
Creating Access for Survivors – Category 4 HEARTH Homeless DesignationThis policy brief explains the Category 4 definition of homelessness and how it can provide …, definition-of-homelessness gender-based-violence-gbv intake-assessments project-type
Creating Effective Policies and ProceduresThis resource provides guidance on how to create effective policies and proceduresrecordkeepingdocumentation-guidance
Criteria for Defining Homeless and Recordkeeping RequirementsHUD’s definition of homelessness, including HUD’s critieria for defining homeless, the four categories of homelessness, …, , definition-of-homelessness homeless-documentation intake-assessmentsdocumentation-guidance frequently-used-documents
Determining Client Rent Payments and Utility AllowancesGuidance from HomeBase on determining client rent payments and utility allowances, payments, and reimbursements in …rent-and-income-calculation-and-verification intake-assessmentsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Determining Homeless Status of YouthGuide to help intake workers determine and document homeless status for youth using the definition …, , , definition-of-homelessness homeless-documentation youth intake-assessments project-typedocumentation-guidance frequently-used-documents
Documenting Refusals to SignThis resource contains recordkeeping guidance for instances in which participants are unwilling to share documentation …, , homeless-documentation recordkeeping intake-assessmentsdocumentation-guidance resources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Chronic Homeless Verification Packet: Housing History Tool ExampleThis document provides an example housing history tool for reference. The housing history tool is …, , , chronic-homelessness-documentation homeless-documentation intake-assessmentsdocumentation-guidance frequently-used-documents sample-tool
Chronic Homelessness Guidance and MaterialsDocument provides a resource list with links to the Chronic Homeless Verification Packet, CES workflows, …, , , , chronic-homelessness-documentation homeless-documentation permanent-supportive-housing-psh intake-assessments project-typedocumentation-guidance resource-list resources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Chronic Homelessness Verification PacketHousing providers should use this Chicago Coordinated Entry System (CES) packet with applicants to document …, , , chronic-homelessness-documentation homeless-documentation permanent-supportive-housing-psh intake-assessments project-typedocumentation-guidance frequently-used-documents
CoC COVID-19 Waiver GuideThis guide, updated January 2022, was created as an unofficial resource to assist CoC grantees …, , , chronic-homelessness-documentation disability permanent-supportive-housing-psh intake-assessments project-typedocumentation-guidance sample-tool
CoC Internal Wellness ChecklistThis checklist is to help homeless providers successfully implement their CoC grant(s) and determine current …, recordkeepingdocumentation-guidance resources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
CoC Internal Wellness Top Ten ListThis checklist is a supplement to the CoC Internal Wellness Checklist and highlights ten critical …, recordkeepingdocumentation-guidance resources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
CoC Program Eligibilty for Registered Sex OffendersDocument covers CoC Program Interim Rule and Illinois regulations regarding program eligibility for registered sex …fair-housing-and-equal-accessresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Annual Performance Report (APR) GuidanceTA Resource providing guidance and advice for APR submissionsannual-performance-report-apr data-and-performanceresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Case Management – Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housingThe role of case management in preventing homelessness and in rapidly returning homeless individuals and …, individual-service-plan-isp staff-training case-management-and-best-practices
Chicago CoC Start-up TrainingThis resource was created to help recipients and subrecipients understand the CoC Program interim rule …coc-start-upresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Chicago ESG RRH Housing Stability Plan TemplateESG RRH housing stability plan template to assist clients with obtaining or maintaining permanent housing, individual-service-plan-isp case-management-and-best-practicesresources-specific-to-esg-funded-programs sample-tool
Addressing and Preventing Document LossRecommended approach for preventing the risks associated with losing or misplacing individual documents or entire …recordkeeping
CoC Program Training Slides from HomebaseThese slides are recommended for any CoC-funded program administrators who are new to HUD CoC …, , , , , , , , , , coc-start-up conflict-of-interest definition-of-homelessness eligibility homeless-documentation housing-quality-standards-hqs leases recordkeeping rent-and-income-calculation-and-verification rent-reasonableness-and-fair-market-rent-fmr rental-assistance intake-assessments leasing-rental-assistance-and-housing-standardsresources-specific-to-coc-funded-programs
Sample Participant Satisfaction Survey 1Sample satisfaction survey for agencies to provide to clients to get their feedback on how …people-with-lived-experience-involvementsample-tool
Trauma-Informed Services Resource ListThis document provides a list of resources on trauma-informed service delivery and care.trauma-informed-care case-management-and-best-practicesresource-list
Case Management in Housing FirstThis resource provides an overview of the key components of a case management approach from …, housing-first staff-training case-management-and-best-practices