Training & Research


All Chicago’s Learning Center provides training and workshops that build capacity within Chicago’s Continuum of Care and homeless services sector.

If there is an option to earn CEUs for a course, the course will have a price.  However, anyone who does not wish to earn CEUs may still take the course. Anyone who wishes to earn CEUs will be charged $10 per CE hour for CoC Members and $15 per CE hour for non-CoC Members.  If interested in receiving CEUs for this training, please email Jennifer Fabbrini for payment and details.

In 2022, The Alan Stone Learning Center hosted over 115 live and on-demand trainings through our Learning Management System.

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Research is an important tool in the effort to prevent and end homelessness. All Chicago regularly partners with research proessionals to conduct research using the HMIS database. In 2020, All Chicago and CoC stakeholders developed the Chicago CoC Research Agenda.

In addition to these research partnerships, All Chicago writes reports on topics of special interest to the Chicago CoC.

If you have suggestions for our research team at All Chicago, please contact us at or visit the Performance, Data, and Research page to learn how to get involved.