CoC Board Committees

CoC Board Committees actively contribute to the strategic direction and effectiveness of initiatives dedicated to addressing homelessness within our community. These committees, comprised of dedicated individuals with diverse skills and backgrounds, play a pivotal role in shaping specific facets of the CoC’s mission and governance structure. The CoC Board functions as the governing body of the Chicago CoC, operating within the parameters outlined in the CoC Charter.

Any CoC Member can join a Board Committee. Board Committees are support by All Chicago staff. To join a committee, email the CoC Programs Team at

CoC Board Committee Overview

Committee Composition

The Finance, Board Affairs, and System Operations & Performance Committees are composed as outlined below:

  • Have a minimum of three CoC Board Members (including alternates and delegates) and must include one Lived Experience Commission (LEC) and one Service Provider Commission (SPC) member.
  • Chair of the Committee must be as follows:
    • Finance Committee: Treasurer of the CoC Board
    • Board Affairs & System Operations: CoC Board Member
  • May include at-large CoC members who are not CoC Board Members.
  • Will be supported by a representative(s) of the Collaborative Applicant who will participate as a non-voting member and provide technical assistance.

Committee Info & Areas of Responsibility

Finance Committee

Current Chair: Richard Ducatenzeiler, Service Providers Commission
Support Staff: Zach Grandberry, Adan Rodriguez Romero
Meeting Frequency: 2-4 times per year


  • Manage the Annual CoC Budget
  • CoC Financial Policies
  • Review and approve requests to disburse funds from the CoC checking account
  • Other CoC financial matters as assigned by the CoC Board

Board Affairs Committee

Current Chair: Sherri Allen-Reeves, Service Providers Commission
Support Staff: Zach Grandberry
Meeting Frequency: 8-12 times per year


  • CoC Membership through the establishment of a Membership Subcommittee (detailed below)
  • Board and Board Committee nominations
  • Board orientation
  • Reviewing the Charter and proposing draft amendments
  • Review options for structural changes when needed, including but not limited to Robert’s Rules of Order, meeting structure, conflict of interest policies, etc. These changes will be voted upon by the CoC Board

The Membership Subcommittee will be chaired by a member of the Board Affairs Committee and may include CoC members who are not members of the Board Affairs Committee. The Membership Subcommittee is responsible for:

  • Reviewing the membership registration guidelines
  • Oversight of membership outreach
  • Reviewing membership benefits and expectations
  • Review membership dues and making recommendations for changes to the dues structure

System Operations & Performance Committee (SOPC)

Current Chair: Carmelo Barbaro, At-Large
Support Staff: Doug Nichols
Meeting Frequency: 6 times per year


  • Oversight of the Collaborative Applicant through the establishment of a Collaborative Applicant Subcommittee (detailed below)
  • Drafting and submitting Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) for approval by the Board of the Lead Agency (Collaborative Applicant, HMIS, Coordinated Entry System)
  • Annual administrative evaluation of Lead Agencies
  • The System Data Dashboard
  • Review system performance measures and performance

The Collaborative Applicant Subcommittee will be chaired by a member of the SOPC and may include CoC members who are not members of the SOPC. The Collaborative Applicant Subcommittee is responsible for:

  • Development and execution of the Collaborative Applicant MOU
  • Annual administrative evaluation of the Collaborative Applicant
  • Oversee a competitive process as specified in the Collaborative Applicant MOU, if necessary

If you would like to join a CoC Board Committee, email the CoC Programs Team at