Pipeline Expansion

This line of work rightsizes the supportive housing mix throughout Chicago’s homeless response system to meet the need. Activities include unit projections, financial modeling, and expanding Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Re-housing, and prevention resources.

Contact Betsy Benito or Steve Gaydos with questions about this line of work.

Stay informed on what’s happening with the lines of work

Homeless Housing Expansion Initiative

The Chicago Continuum of Care has determined that there is unmet need of 4,200 units of supportive housing and 4,500 units of Rapid Re-housing to support broad scale changes to both the homeless system and to drastically reduce homelessness overall across the city.

To meet this need, the Continuum of Care (CoC) established a Pipeline Expansion Committee, led by Corporation for Supportive Housing and All Chicago Making Homelessness History, to lead resource identification strategies and commitments to close the gap.

In June 2018, former Mayor Rahm Emanuel committed city of Chicago financing for 1,600 units of supportive housing (40% of the goal). The Chicago Departments of Planning and Development, Department of Housing, Chicago Housing Authority (CHA), and Chicago Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS)  coordinate resources to produce a range of units needed. This work is highlighted in the 2019-2023 City of Chicago Affordable Housing Plan.

As a result, the Continuum of Care has created the Homeless Housing Expansion Initiative, that evaluates proposed projects seeking capital, operating funds, and services for supportive housing to then indicate to funders how the project aligns with system goals. DOH, Chicago CoC, DFSS, and CHA are supporting the use of this Pre-Application Process to inform their decision-making on funding requests for supportive housing, rapid re-housing, and services that prioritize people experiencing homelessness.

Committees and Workgroups

Pipeline Expansion Workgroup

This workgroup advances housing and service creation strategies to meet the needs of the Chicago CoC as informed through data. Committee members will affirm the scale and range of units and services, review and validate financial implications, take actions to secure development partnerships, financing commitments, policy changes and coordination strategies to achieve the pipeline goals. This working group will have dynamic interactions with other Action Agenda groups to achieve its goals. 
Expertise needed: Group members should have or develop a working knowledge of supportive housing, rapid re-housing, and prevention programs, connection and/or oversight of affordable/supportive housing development activities with particular connection to community-based programs, and/or present service systems that have significant housing needs, and housing policies or systems. 
Meeting details: The group meetings occur at CSH every other Wednesday from 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM. Please contact Betsy Benito for more information.


Supportive Services Funding Pipeline/Sources Subgroup

This workgroup outlines scale and potential sources/timing for services funding that aligns with our physical unit projections.
Expertise needed: Group members should have or develop a working knowledge of supportive housing, rapid re-housing, and prevention programs, connection and/or oversight of affordable/supportive housing development activities with particular connection to community-based programs, and/or represent service systems that have significant housing needs, and housing policies or systems.
Meeting details: The group meetings occur as needed. Please contact Betsy Benito for more information.


Data for System Projections Review Subgroup

This workgroup refreshes and reviews the unmet need projections with updated data from HMIS and CE and incorporate any new nuances in prevention/diversion, youth programming and rapid re-housing.
Expertise needed: Group members should have or develop a working knowledge of supportive housing, rapid re-housing, and prevention programs, connection and/or oversight of affordable/supportive housing development activities with particular connection to community-based programs, and/or represent service systems that have significant housing needs, and housing policies or systems.
Meeting details: The group meetings occur as needed. Please contact Betsy Benito for more information.


New Project Sponsor Outreach – Creating new RRH and SH Projects Subgroup

This workgroup helps inform a proactive effort to engage groups considering new projects to triage needs to getting started in project visioning and planning.
Expertise needed: Group members should have or develop a working knowledge of supportive housing, rapid re-housing, and prevention programs, connection and/or oversight of affordable/supportive housing development activities with particular connection to community-based programs, and/or represent service systems that have significant housing needs, and housing policies or systems.
Meeting details: The group meetings occur as needed. Please contact Betsy Benito for more information.

Application Workgroup

Meeting details: The group meetings occur at CSH every other Wednesday from 1:00-2:30pm.  


Fiscal Workgroup

Meeting details: The group meetings occur at All Chicago every other Wednesday from 1:00-2:30pm.