Hope for Homes Day 2024

About Hope for Homes Day

Hope for Homes Day, an initiaive spearheaded by La Casa Norte, is a collaborative fundraising effort powered by Illinois nonprofits committed to ending homelessness. This multi-organization effort is a first-of-its-kind online campaign that celebrates our collective spirit of philanthropy and aims to generate over $100,000 in support of unhoused youth and families across Illinois.

Every dollar counts! Thanks to the Chicago Community Trust and Knight Family Foundation, every dollar you help raise may be matched, doubling the impact of your efforts!

How to Get Involved

You can be a part of the solution by becoming a peer-to-peer fundraiser for All Chicago, donating, and sharing Hope for Homes Day with your network. Your involvement will directly impact the lives of individuals and families who rely on All Chicago’s assistance. Together, we can make a difference!

Become a Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser

To get involved, simply set up an account by clicking the button below and then selecting “Advocate.” Once registered, we will provide you with a Fundraising Toolkit to effectively reach out to your network.

Spread the Word

If you can’t participate as a fundraiser, you can still make a huge impact by promoting our campaign on social media. Share our campaign link and use the hashtag #HopeforHomes on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Donate to All Chicago

By contributing, you support All Chicago’s mission to prevent and end homelessness. Every donation helps us move closer to a future where everyone has a safe and stable home. Donate on July 18.


If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to reach out to our giving team at giving@allchicago.org. We are here to support you every step of the way!

Fundraising Toolkit

Below are links to graphics and templates for you to use to reach out to your personal network and spread the word about your fundraiser.