If You Are Currently Homeless…

Call the Homelessness Prevention Call Center
Dial 3-1-1 or 312-744-5000 and ask for “Short-Term Help.” (TTY Access is available for callers using specialized TTY equipment due to hearing problems: 312.948.6817.) Call Center staff will assess your eligibility for financial assistance and other community resources, then refer you to partner agencies that can help. The Call Center is open Monday – Thursday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. If you reside in Suburban Cook County, call 1.877.426.6515 for help with basic needs.
Get Assessed for Housing Programs
You can complete a Coordinated Entry System assessment that asks you questions about your eligibility for housing programs that will meet your needs. Upon completion, your name will be entered onto a list, and you will be notified if you’re matched to a housing program. Please visit the nearest Access Point (you can find a list here) to complete an assessment.
Go to your nearest Chicago Dept. of Family and Support Services Community Service Center.
These centers are open from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Monday – Friday. City residents who need assistance can drop in or schedule an appointment to have an initial assessment to identify their needs for a range of resources, including shelter, food, clothing, domestic violence assistance, job training/placement, and services for the formerly incarcerated. Clients can also get information about rental, utility, and other financial assistance programs. The facilities serve as Warming and Cooling Centers during periods of extreme weather.
If you are a family and are seeking shelter
Please go to the Salvation Army Shield of Hope Center located at 924 N. Christiana, for shelter placement. If you are unable to make it to this location, please go to any hospital emergency department or police station, call 3-1-1, and ask for transportation to a shelter.
If You Are At Risk of Becoming Homeless or Need Other Resources…
- Call the Homelessness Prevention Call Center: Dial 3-1-1 or 312-744-5000 and ask for “Short-Term Help.” TTY Access is available for callers using specialized TTY equipment due to hearing problems: 312-948-6817.Call Center staff will assess your eligibility for financial assistance and other community resources. The Call Center is open Monday – Thursday from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM. If you reside in the Suburban Cook County, call 1-877-426-6515 for help with basic needs. If you reside in Suburban Cook County, call 1-877-426-6515 for help with basic needs.
Go to your nearest Chicago Dept. of Family and Support Services Community Service Center. They are open from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. City residents who need assistance can drop in or schedule an appointment to have an initial assessment to identify their needs for a range of resources, including shelter, food, clothing, domestic violence assistance, job training & placement, and services for the formerly incarcerated. Clients can also get information about rental, utility, and other financial assistance programs. The facilities serve as Warming and Cooling Centers during periods of extreme weather.