Continuum of Care
- Events
- Continuum of Care
Calendar of Events
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Prioritization & Selection Workgroup
Prioritization & Selection Workgroup
Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 298 953 433 449 Passcode: wtVqzv Dial in by phone +1 312-667-5004,,168389461# United States, Chicago Find a local number Phone conference ID: 168 389 461# For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN ________________________________________________________________________________
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Lived Experience Commission Meeting
Lived Experience Commission Meeting
In-person at All Chicago office, 651 West Washington, Suite 504, Chicago, IL. Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 217 428 113 048 Passcode: K7kJ43 Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 312-667-5004,,895918287# United …
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CoC Executive Committee Meeting
CoC Executive Committee Meeting
This meeting will be in the All Chicago conference room at 651 W. Washington Blvd. on the 5th floor.
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Coordinated Entry System Feedback Session
Coordinated Entry System Feedback Session
All Chicago’s Coordinated Entry Team will begin hosting multiple feedback sessions throughout the year as an opportunity for service providers and people with lived experience to share input on their experiences with the Coordinated Entry System. The first feedback session will be hosted in person on Tuesday, July 16, from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM at the …
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All CoC Membership Meeting
All CoC Membership Meeting
An All CoC Membership meeting will be held virtually on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at 11:00 AM. Meeting materials will be shared closer to the meeting date. Please reach out to the CoC Programs Team with any questions at Use the buttons below to register in advance and to review the meeting rules. In addition …
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System Front Door Monthly Meeting
System Front Door Monthly Meeting
Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 253 707 608 071 Passcode: DoptZD Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 312-667-5004,,385271239# United States, Chicago Phone Conference ID: 385 271 239# Find a local number | …
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System Operations and Performance Committee (SOPC)
System Operations and Performance Committee (SOPC)
Meeting link and call-in info. Click here to join the meeting +1 312-667-5004,,49624346#
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FY24 Chicago CoC NOFO Process Webinar
FY24 Chicago CoC NOFO Process Webinar
***HUD has not yet released the FY24 Continuum of Care (CoC) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).*** In preparation for the FY24 HUD CoC NOFO, All Chicago will be hosting a webinar on Monday, July 22, from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM via Microsoft Teams. This webinar will give an overview of the Chicago CoC's FY24 …
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Racial Equity Impact Team Meeting
Racial Equity Impact Team Meeting
The Racial Equity Impact Team (REIT) requests that new stakeholders wishing to join attend an onboarding meeting before attending a REIT meeting. This will allow the new member to become familiar with previous work from the REIT and learn over shared spaces. If you would like to schedule your onboarding meeting, please reach out to …
CoC Finance Committee Meeting
CoC Finance Committee Meeting
Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 264 857 011 206 Passcode: ZNuJRF Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 312-667-5004,,973024148# United States, Chicago Phone Conference ID: 973 024 148# Find a local number | …
Coordinated Entry Leadership Team
Coordinated Entry Leadership Team
Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 212 107 196 309 Passcode: vfPmn3 Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 312-667-5004,,331321852# United States, Chicago Phone Conference ID: 331 321 852# Find a local number | …
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CoC Board Affairs Committee
CoC Board Affairs Committee
________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer, mobile app or room device Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 235 703 192 585 Passcode: yzu76n Download Teams | Join on the web Or call in (audio only) +1 312-667-5004,,920647014# United States, Chicago Phone Conference ID: 920 647 014# Find a local …
Prioritization & Selection Workgroup Meeting
Prioritization & Selection Workgroup Meeting
________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 275 846 170 359 Passcode: QdGWP8 Dial in by phone +1 312-667-5004,,898829507# United States, Chicago Find a local number Phone conference ID: 898 829 507# For organizers: Meeting options | Reset dial-in PIN ________________________________________________________________________________
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Governance Working Group Session
Governance Working Group Session
Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 233 848 735 315 Passcode: NTSXsd Dial in by phone +1 312-667-5004,,696909348# United States, Chicago Find a local number Phone conference ID: 696 909 348#
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Collaborative Applicant Committee Meeting
Collaborative Applicant Committee Meeting
Hybrid Meeting In-person: 33 S State St Suite 750, Chicago, IL 60603 Microsoft Teams Need help? Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 284 927 557 909 Passcode: uXVUgf Dial-in by phone +1 312-667-5004,,840715543# United States, Chicago Find a local number Phone conference ID: 840 715 543#
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